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Cheat Codes For Rise Of Nations Pc Game

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  1. Pc Game Cheats Codes
  2. Cheat Codes For Rise Of Nations Pc Game Simulator
  3. Cheat Codes For Rise Of Nations Pc Game Free Download

We have 4 cheats and tips on PC. If you have any cheats or tips for Rise of Nations: Gold Edition please send them in here. You can also ask your question on our Rise of Nations: Gold Edition Questions & Answers page. Cheats - Cheatcodes - Cheats for Rise of Nations PC. Best place with Rise of Nations cheats codes, secrets of the world. Rise of Nations Cheats PC Home. In: All PC XBOX 360 PS3 WII NDS PS2 PSP GBA Android XBOX IPhone GCN Nintendo64 N. Rise of Nations: Extended Edition – Cheats Guide Posted on July 9, 2019 this great guide will give users a bunch of cheat codes, so then they can have fun and play it with cheats!

Corey Feldman InterviewEasy allies

When first starting a game, enable the 'cheat reveal' code to show all of the map. Move the pointer to an enemy base and enable the 'cheat nuke' code. This will drop a bomb over the selected area, and the enemy should ask for an alliance. Note: Make sure that you are in 'Diplomacy' mode when trying this.

Pc Game Cheats Codes

Cheat Codes

Cheat Codes For Rise Of Nations Pc Game Simulator

While playing the game, press [Enter], then type one of the following codes to enable the corresponding cheat function:


Cheat Codes For Rise Of Nations Pc Game Free Download

Result Cheat Code
Add indicated number of all resourcescheat resource all+[number]
Set all players to human and full mapcheat sandbox
Set AI statecheat ai [on, off, or debug]
Machine guns around every human capitalcheat safe
Kill object or all selectedcheat die [name or no entry]
Toggle full mapcheat reveal [0 or 1]
Force alliance with nationcheat ally [name]
Force peace with nationcheat peace [name]
Force war with nationcheat war [name]
Force encounter with nationcheat meet [name]
Force encounter-off with nationcheat unmeet [name]
Set difficultycheat diff [0-5]
Defeat nationcheat defeat [name]
Display achievementscheat achieve
Turn off computer controlcheat human [name]
Turn on computer controlcheat computer [name]
Victory for nationcheat victory [name]
Show or change technologycheat tech[name][tech or all][on or of]
Show or change resourcecheat resource [name][goodtype or all][+ or -]
Show or change age for nationcheat age [number][name]
Show or change military level for nationcheat military [number][name]
Show or change civic level for nationcheat civic [number][name]
Show or change commerce level for nationcheat commerce [number][name]
Show or change science level for nationcheat science [number][name]
Show or change all library tech levels for nationcheat library [number][name]
Toggle bounding box modecheat bbox [0 or 1]
Show combat rangescheat ranges [0 or 1]
Adjust damage to object or all selectedcheat damage[name or no entry][+ or -][number]
Insert unit or building at pointer locationcheat insert [number][type][who=RED][x,y]
Insert unit or building at pointer locationcheat add [number][type][who=RED][x,y]
Finishes selected building(s) or next item in queuecheat finish
Drop a Wild Bird at pointer locationcheat bird
Drop a Nuke at pointer locationcheat nuke
Packs the currently selected unit(s), if they are
packing units
cheat pack
Deploys the currently selected unit(s), if they are
deploying units
cheat deploy
Change game explore configurationcheat explore [normal, explored, all]
Toggle game pausecheat pause [0 or 1]

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